The Improve Cook Stove Project (ICS) needs to be monitored. There are two different types of monitoring: SWC is doing monitoring of each project. An evaluation team is controlling the financial and administrative structure as well as standard of ICS that is disseminated in the field. After the monitoring the monitoring team provides report with strength and weakness of the project which should be improved in the future. Regular monitoring of the ICS by SCN does check and enquire standard and quality as well as users feedback. 20% of all built ICS are monitored during the first year from the date of its construction . Further monitoring is organized according to need.

Regular monitoring of ICS by CSN. The monitoring team do field visit with questionnair. They do fill the questioner interviewing ICS users. Technical check of the size and height of ICS and chimney are also part of the monitoring. The written report and feedback from the monitoring team and field, gives idea for needed improvement.


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